
走进我们的小学, 在那里,学习变成了一种基于信仰和卓越的冒险. 在弗里蒙特基督教, we believe that a Christian education not only provides academic advantages but also fosters holistic development, 确保每个孩子在情感上茁壮成长, 智力, 和精神上. Our dedicated teachers create dynamic learning experiences that ignite curiosity 和 inspire a love for knowledge. 根植于我们的基督徒身份, 我们使学生能够以诚信和目标导航世界, 让他们具备超越课堂的价值观. We recognize the importance of parental involvement 和 warmly welcome parents to engage in community-building events, 建立联系,加强每个孩子的教育之旅. The habits 和 skills developed in elementary lead to 97% of our high school students being UC eligible, 与51相比.全州7%的高中毕业生. (来源: 奥兰治县登记处)



FCS has adopted a math program based on Common Core State St和ards (CCSS), 哪个更注重深度而不是广度, 建立概念基础, 和, 最重要的是, 参与数学概念的过程和应用. 旨在反映孩子们学习数学的方式, 数学表达式 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) provides a solid conceptual base grounded in more than 20 years of research. Students are expected to problem-solve, explain their thinking, 和 prove their answers. 每个单元以探究为基础的活动开始,以激活思维, 获取先验知识, 消除先入之见. Foundational to our mathematics instruction is the underst和ing that there are multiple paths to solving a problem. 提供超越死记硬背的数学学习环境, 死记硬背, 基础计算可以让学生在理解的基础上学习, which then leads to transference 和 the ability to apply learning in new situations.


The FCS English language arts (ELA) curriculum reflects a workshop framework: students reading 和 writing across genres, 建立文本联系, 并以各种方式传达这些想法. Students read at their independent reading levels 和 engage in 指导阅读 at their instructional level. They are expected to respond orally 和 in writing to the texts they read. This framework provides students with instruction in the many genres of texts, 元认知策略, 以及练习这些技能的机会. 学生们设定了成为更好的读者和作家的个人目标, 他们通过泛读和细读来学习什么, 指导阅读, 授与日常写作. This approach emphasizes skill development (phonics, comprehension, text structures, etc.) with a particular focus on vocabulary development (the greatest predictor of academic achievement) 和 learning the language of workshop.

Word study 和 grammar help students recognize patterns in the English language to inform their reading 和 writing. 不像传统的拼写测试, word study focuses on identifying the spelling 和 meaning patterns in the English language to learn how to spell 和 infer meaning of words so that students can transfer this knowledge to previously unknown 和 unseen words. Grammar is taught within context so that students learn to recognize how grammar changes meaning.

The California CCSS language st和ards require students to learn to print legibly, 从三年级开始, 用草书写清楚. We use a D’Nealian h和writing program (Scott Foresman) that begins with printing 和, 在高年级, 自然发展为草书. Even in this age of technology, it is important for individuals to be able to h和write legibly. Dr. William Klemm(2013),德克萨斯大学神经科学教授 & M大学,描述了许多发展和心理 学习草书的好处, 包括感觉-运动协调, 有利于思维过程的认知需求, 大脑两个半球的结合, 发展一般的学习策略.

社会研究 & 科学   
由UpLevel出版, our social studies 和 science curricula are California st和ards 和 Next Gen st和ards-based with 项目很高兴 策略嵌入. CCSS ELA标准在教学中起着不可或缺的作用. Of key importance in the UpLevel curriculum is that students learn how to learn, 他们的学习能力提高了, 他们能够更快地理解新的想法和概念. 所有小学生都收到这份周刊 给孩子的时间, which teachers use to discuss current events 和 further extend social studies learning. 实地考察旅行, 项目, 实验室, 工程包, 蒸汽的夜晚, 其他媒体和材料为这些内容领域提供了丰富.

The transitional kindergarten Bible program is focused on character building through Old 和 New Testament stories 和 learning scripture. 从幼儿园到五年级依次进行 岩石上的建筑 (高峰事工)计划, which focuses not only on character development but on underst和ing the foundations of a Christian worldview through the building of the House of Truth. 课程的内容肯定了元叙事 (1)上帝创造了一切美好的事物. 在创世的时候,万物都是和谐的. (2)堕落时(创世纪3), the whole created order fell into disharmony due to the disobedience of man. (3) In the person of Jesus Christ, God began the process of redemption 和 renewal. 最后,上帝将通过他的儿子耶稣基督恢复一切.

We believe the biblical metanarrative is manifested in four key relationships of creation. (1)交通:神与人的关系. God created man for relationship with Himself; that relationship was broken because of sin; that relationship is restored through Jesus Christ. (2)形象承载者:人是作为一个完整的、健康的存在而被造的, as an imagebearer of God; sin brought disharmony 和 conflict into the life 和 heart of man. 通过耶稣基督的救赎开始了人内心的治愈过程. (3) Servanthood: God created man for harmonious 和 loving relationships with other people; sin is the cause of disharmony 和 discord among people; part of restoring mission of Jesus Christ is to bring people back into harmonious relationship with one another. (4) Stewardship: God placed the whole created order under the rule 和 care of His image-bearers (Genesis 1); with the Fall, the relationship between man 和 the rest of the created order was marred; In Jesus Christ, God continues to call His image-bearers to work to preserve 和 protect the created order.

In the interest of developing the whole child, all students receive twice-weekly instruction in both 音乐 (Kodály方法)和体育. Chromebook carts are provided for every grade level 和 are used to integrate web-based applications into the teaching 和 learning both in classrooms 和 at home. 在三年级,学生们学习演奏竖笛. Students may then opt to participate in either symphonic b和 or h和bells beginning in the fourth grade, 除了课堂音乐. All students in fourth 和 fifth grades learn to sing chorally 和 perform at different events during the year.

完整的学校认证 & 课程
